Friday, 5 November 2010

Migrating birds cause a stir at San Rafael brickyard

Micah Johnson wrote - "Birding connects us to the natural world and fills one with a sense of awe and wonder. Try it, you'll like it. You might feel better about yourself."

Yes Indeed. A group of us go birding every fall. There is nothing like waking up before dawn, having a hearty breakfast, loading some gear into the vehicles and all heading to a good birding area.

The crisp cool fall air, some low lying fog entwined in the tules, and patches of fog out over the water dancing with the first rays of sunlight.

You just get settled in with a mug of coffee or hot chocolate and then suddenly someone says they see a flock of birds in the distance and you wait in anticipation and then - right there in front of you over the decoys you see them - a big beautiful flock of mallards! You quickly rise and take a bead on one and then another squeezing the trigger on your well used 12 gauge and BOOM - BOOM - BOOM and you hear the guns of the other birders with you BOOM, BOOM - BOOM, BOOM, BOOM and then you see some birds laying in the water, while the rest fly away.

After all?s quiet again, the black lab who's been held back on the leash is released, and with a flying leap which would make a Calaveras jumping frog envious, clears the reeds in front of the blind and lands in the water with a splash and paddles at full speed to the first bird.

Carefully he takes the first duck in his mouth so as not to damage it and proudly retrieves it back to the hunters in the blind. Then, again and again he deftly repeats this ballet until all the downed ducks are retrieved.

Then suddenly a hushed warning is heard by all as the hunter on point spots another flock far off in the early morning light and everyone scans the horizon for a sign AND THEN QUICKLY THEY'RE UPON US AND BOOM - BOOM - BOOM - BOOM - BOOM is heard again in the cool morning calm and more birds splash into the water. And the ballet begins again with the black lab.

Later in the morning as we pack our gear, police the area for any trash to be carried out, and gather the ducks we harvested, we talk about the days birding and how grateful we all are for our morning with nature, and birding and an all-American pastime that's as good the last time as the first, and we give thanks to the good Lord for our bounty and good fortune, and pray God shines upon these wonderful waterfowl and their beautiful habitat.

Yes, birding is truly a delight to the senses and gives one a true appreciation of nature.

View the original article here

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