Sunday 14 November 2010

Bird Watching For Beginners Guide - How to Start Birding?

Are you interested in bird watching, but done nothing about it yet? For many of us birding is already a very popular hobby that we get a lot of enjoyment from. You can get the same enjoyment too if you take one simple step and start birding. Without doubt bird watching is great fun and it is also educational for you and anyone that goes with you.

The good news is that it is also an inexpensive hobby, so getting started is easy. Another useful benefit is that it is also a very good way to get some exercise every day. Birding also has a social scene as well if you want it and this makes it excellent for making new friends and acquaintances.

There are literally millions of people across the nation, who have bird watching as one of their hobbies, if not their main hobby. Most birders watch the birds just because they really enjoy the beauty of what they get to see. And of course some just love to be outdoors and watching the birds is a great bonus. If you are photographer then taking up birding is a great way to help you improve your photography skills.

You can enjoy birding in many different ways and this variety makes it a very attractive hobby for all. If you like travelling then as a bird watcher you have many destinations around the world that you can visit to see some of the rarest birds on the planet.

But for most of us this hobby is attractive because it is something we can do locally on our own patch. It's easy to travel locally to woodlands or a nature preserve with just a pair of binoculars. This is all you need to do to go birding. You can do it any time and whenever you feel like it. You can even bird watch at home in your own backyard, so that you have no need to anywhere to watch the birds.

One of the best things about birding is that you are able to only spend as much on it as you want and only put into it whatever you like. It really is down to you as the main aim is to enjoy the birds and your enjoyment will drive your commitment to any level you want. And this is also one of the easiest hobbies to enjoy on your own.

Many of us like to do stuff in the peace and quiet of just our own company and birding really lends itself to this. On the other hand if you prefer group participation you can bird with your friends or partner, or even join a birding group, which can also provide you with help and experience to increase your knowledge of the birds and bird watching in general.

So if you are interested in becoming a birder then all you need to do to start is to buy yourself a pair of binoculars, which do not need to be expensive. Then just pick a location for a birding expedition and go there and look for the birds. What could be easier?

It should be easy to find a woodland area, a park, a nice trail or even a local nature preserve somewhere in your area which would be suitable. When you get there just find a location where you can view the birds easily with your binoculars and before long birds will start to appear. Just keep still for a while and allow the birds to get nearer. If you move around a lot this may scare the birds away and you will not see very many.

On subsequent birding trips take a notebook with you to note down descriptions of the birds you see and you can start to build up a portfolio of the birds you recognize and those that you don't. Next you should invest in a bird guide for your local area, so that you have a reference to identify the birds you see. It's always best to get a field guide so that you can take it with you to identify birds while you are out birding.

Once you have started birding and maybe even before you start it is a good idea to get a Birding For Beginners guide, as this will provide you with even more information on how to start bird watching. And then before you know it you will become an avid bird watcher and you will get more and more enjoyment from the birds that you see!

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