Monday 1 November 2010

Bird Watching - How to Get Started Fast and Easily

If you love nature and birds, then you can certainly combine both to enter into the colorful realm of bird watching. You may easily become a devoted bird watcher so that you can enjoy yourself while pursuing your new hobby.

Bird watching calls for patience, a willingness to learn, and some items of equipment that aren't very costly. You must however, learn the basic requirements of bird watching so as to silently watch birds in their natural habitat without bothering or distracting them. Birds usually are nervous creatures and will definitely take flight at the tiniest of sound or motion. You will consequently need to learn to remain extremely still, particularly when birds come in view.

You can easily start your new bird watching hobby by simply observing birds in your own garden or backyard. This should help you to master the fundamentals very easily before you go on to more intense watching. If there are hardly any birds venturing into your backyard or garden you'll be able to attract them to visit frequently or even stay in your backyard simply by setting up a birdbath, a birdhouse or possibly a nest in a tree to attract their attention. You will soon be rewarded with a variety of birds flocking into your backyard which you'll be able to watch at your leisure.

You will also need the proper bird watching gear to watch and recognize the birds that drop in to explore your backyard. A pair of powerful binoculars, a guide book to identify birds according to your physical location, a discreet place in your home or yard where you are able to watch them without spooking them and a well-stocked grocery shelf having lots to eat and drink will help you to settle down quickly in your bird watching project.

You can also buy a powerful digital camera in case your budget allows. You ought to in any case keep a notepad to write down the kinds of birds that have visited your property along with the time and date of such visits. This will help establish a pattern for future reference. This can also enable you to watch their routines and also keep track of young birds that will literally mature before your very eyes as time passes.

You can also involve other family members such as your spouse, brothers and sisters or kids as part of your bird watching sessions so they too learn to respect these tiny creatures even while getting to know a great deal about them. As soon as you feel confident enough to venture out, you'll be able to explore nearby woods with all your equipment in tow, especially with ample water and food. You will also need to carry anti-mosquito netting or repellent and a first-aid kit when you're in the woods. On the other hand, you can link up with a club and venture out together with other avid bird watchers to collectively experience your new passion while also learning a lot from expert watchers.

Bird watching is an excellent way to connect with nature and study the lives of birds in an inexpensive way. Always remember never to disturb the birds in any way and to stay as discreet as you possibly can. Over time, you're sure to discover a lot about birds while also stimulating others to join you in this terrific hobby.

Craig Bennett is a freelance copywriter and former college instructor in Business Administration. He created Money Talk Daily as a resource for individuals and families in these difficult economic times.

He also enjoys writing on other topics at sites like Wild Bird Haven.

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